‘But it was a family matter, and nobody else’s business.’ ‘It’s very w перевод - ‘But it was a family matter, and nobody else’s business.’ ‘It’s very w мальтийский как сказать

‘But it was a family matter, and no

‘But it was a family matter, and nobody else’s business.’ ‘It’s very wrong to kill someone,’ said Virginia. ‘Oh, its easy for people to blame me when they don’t understand!’ replied the Canterville Ghost. ‘My wife was plain — even ugly — and she was a bad housekeeper. She knew nothing about cooking. But it doesn’t matter now; it was a long time ago. But I don’t think it was very nice of her brothers to make me die of hunger, even if I did kill her.’ ‘Die of hunger?’ said Virginia. ‘Oh, Mr Ghost — I mean Sir Simon — are you hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?’ ‘No, thank you,’ said the ghost. ‘I never eat anything now. But it’s very kind of you. You’re much nicer than the rest of your nasty, rude, dishonest family.’ ‘Stop!’ cried Virginia angrily. ‘You’re the one who’s rude and nasty. And if we’re talking about dishonesty, you know you stole the paints out of my box to make that silly bloodstain in the library.’ The ghost was silent. ‘First you took all my red colours, and I couldn’t paint any more pictures of the sun going down in the evenings,’ Virginia continued. ‘Then you took the green and the yellow. In the end I only had dark blue and white, so I could only paint moonlight scenes, which are very difficult. I never told the others about it, although it was very annoying and silly. Who has ever heard of bright green blood?’ ‘Well, really,’ said the ghost, rather ashamed, ‘what could I do? It’s very difficult to get real blood these days. And because your brother started the fight with his Wonder Stain Cleaner, it seemed all right to take your paints. What’s wrong with that? You Americans don’t understand anything.’ ‘You don’t know anything about Americans or America,’ said Virginia. ‘Why don’t you go there? Father will be happy to pay for your ticket to travel on a ship. There are people in America who would pay a hundred thousand dollars to have a family ghost.’ ‘No, thank you,’ said the ghost. ‘I don’t think I’d like America.’ ‘Why? Because it doesn’t have any terrible old houses?’ said Virginia. ‘Because everything’s new and modern?’ She was angry now. ‘Excuse me. I’ll go and ask my father to give the twins another week’s holiday!’ ‘Please don’t go, Miss Virginia,’ cried the ghost. ‘I’m so lonely and unhappy, and I really don’t know what to do. I want to go to sleep, but I can’t.’ ‘That’s silly!’ she said. ‘You just go to bed and blow out the candle. There’s no difficulty about sleeping. Even babies know how to do that, and they aren’t very clever.’ ‘I haven’t slept for 300 years,’ the ghost said sadly. Virginias beautiful blue eyes got bigger and bigger with surprise. ‘Three hundred years!’ she said. ‘Yes,’ said the ghost. ‘And I’m so tired.’ Virginia’s little lips began to shake like the leaves of a flower, and she came towards
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him. She looked into his old, tired face.
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Результаты (мальтийский) 1: [копия]
‘But it was a family matter, and nobody else’s business.’ ‘It’s very wrong to kill someone,’ said Virginia. ‘Oh, its easy for people to blame me when they don’t understand!’ replied the Canterville Ghost. ‘My wife was plain — even ugly — and she was a bad housekeeper. She knew nothing about cooking. But it doesn’t matter now; it was a long time ago. But I don’t think it was very nice of her brothers to make me die of hunger, even if I did kill her.’ ‘Die of hunger?’ said Virginia. ‘Oh, Mr Ghost — I mean Sir Simon — are you hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?’ ‘No, thank you,’ said the ghost. ‘I never eat anything now. But it’s very kind of you. You’re much nicer than the rest of your nasty, rude, dishonest family.’ ‘Stop!’ cried Virginia angrily. ‘You’re the one who’s rude and nasty. And if we’re talking about dishonesty, you know you stole the paints out of my box to make that silly bloodstain in the library.’ The ghost was silent. ‘First you took all my red colours, and I couldn’t paint any more pictures of the sun going down in the evenings,’ Virginia continued. ‘Then you took the green and the yellow. In the end I only had dark blue and white, so I could only paint moonlight scenes, which are very difficult. I never told the others about it, although it was very annoying and silly. Who has ever heard of bright green blood?’ ‘Well, really,’ said the ghost, rather ashamed, ‘what could I do? It’s very difficult to get real blood these days. And because your brother started the fight with his Wonder Stain Cleaner, it seemed all right to take your paints. What’s wrong with that? You Americans don’t understand anything.’ ‘You don’t know anything about Americans or America,’ said Virginia. ‘Why don’t you go there? Father will be happy to pay for your ticket to travel on a ship. There are people in America who would pay a hundred thousand dollars to have a family ghost.’ ‘No, thank you,’ said the ghost. ‘I don’t think I’d like America.’ ‘Why? Because it doesn’t have any terrible old houses?’ said Virginia. ‘Because everything’s new and modern?’ She was angry now. ‘Excuse me. I’ll go and ask my father to give the twins another week’s holiday!’ ‘Please don’t go, Miss Virginia,’ cried the ghost. ‘I’m so lonely and unhappy, and I really don’t know what to do. I want to go to sleep, but I can’t.’ ‘That’s silly!’ she said. ‘You just go to bed and blow out the candle. There’s no difficulty about sleeping. Even babies know how to do that, and they aren’t very clever.’ ‘I haven’t slept for 300 years,’ the ghost said sadly. Virginias beautiful blue eyes got bigger and bigger with surprise. ‘Three hundred years!’ she said. ‘Yes,’ said the ghost. ‘And I’m so tired.’ Virginia’s little lips began to shake like the leaves of a flower, and she came towards – 21 –him. She looked into his old, tired face.
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Результаты (мальтийский) 2:[копия]
"Iżda kien kwistjoni tal-familja, u n-negozju ħadd ieħor." "Huwa ferm ħażin biex joqtlu xi ħadd," qal Virginia. "Oh, tagħha faċli għan-nies biex tort lili meta dawn ma jifhmux!" wieġbu l-Ghost Canterville. "Marti kienet plain - anke ikrah - u hi kienet housekeeper ħażina. Kienet taf xejn dwar tisjir. Iżda ma jimpurtax issa; kien żmien twil ilu. Imma jien ma naħsibx li kien sabiħ ħafna ta 'aħwa tagħha biex jagħmlu me die ta' ġuħ, anki jekk I ma joqtlu kull wieħed. " "Die tal-ġuħ?" qal Virginia. "Oh, is-Sur Ghost - I jfisser Sir Simon - huma inti bil-ġuħ? I jkollhom sandwich fil-każ tiegħi. Kieku inti bhalu? " "Le, grazie," qal il-ghost. "I qatt ma jieklu xejn issa. Imma hija ħafna tip tal inti. Int ħafna nicer mill-bqija tal diżgustanti, rude, il-familja diżonest tiegħek. " "Stop!" Virginia cried Ikteb. "Inti l-waħda li l-rude u diżgustanti. U jekk aħna qed jitkellem dwar diżonestà, inti taf li inti seraq l-żebgħa barra tal-kaxxa tiegħi biex jagħmlu dak bloodstain iblah fil-librerija. " L ghost kien siekta. "L-ewwel ħadt kollha kuluri aħmar tiegħi, u I ma setax żebgħa xi stampi aktar tax-xemx jinżel 'l isfel filgħaxija," Kontinwazzjoni Virginia. "Than inti ħadt l-aħdar u l-isfar. Fl-aħħar I biss kellhom blu skur u abjad, so I tista 'biss żebgħa xeni Moonlight, li huma diffiċli ħafna. I qatt ma qal lill-oħrajn dwar dan, għalkemm kien ferm annoying u iblah. Li qatt semgħu ta 'demm aħdar jgħajjat? " "Well, verament," qal il-ghost, pjuttost ashamed, "dak li jista 'nagħmel? Huwa diffiċli ħafna li tikseb demm reali f'dawn il-jiem. U minħabba ġlieda tiegħek ma 'ħuh beda l-Wonder Stain Cleaner, deher id-dritt li jieħdu żebgħa tiegħek. X'hemm ħażin ma 'dak? Inti Amerikani ma jifhmux xejn. " "Inti ma jafu xejn dwar l-Amerika jew Amerikani," qal Virginia. "Għaliex ma inti tmur hemm? Missier se jkunu kuntenti li jħallsu għall-biljett tiegħek li jivvjaġġaw fuq bastiment. Hemm nies fl-Amerika min se jħallas mitt elf dollaru li jkollhom ghost familja. " "Le, grazie," qal il-ghost. "Ma naħsibx nixtieq Amerika." "Għaliex? Minħabba li ma jkollhom l-ebda djar qodma terribbli? " qal Virginia. "Minħabba s kollox ġdid u modern?" Kienet rrabjata issa. "Skuża me. I ser imorru u jistaqsu missier tiegħi biex jagħtu l-Tewmin vaganzi ġimgħa ħaddieħor! " "Jekk jogħġbok ma jmorrux, Miss Virginia," cried l-fatat. "Jien hekk solitarju u unhappy, u I really ma jafu x'għandhom jagħmlu. Irrid li tmur torqod, iżda ma nistax. " "C'est iblah!" qalet. "Just tmur torqod u blow out l-xemgħa. M'hemm l-ebda diffikultà dwar l-irqad. Anke t-trabi taf kif għandek tagħmel dan, u dawn mhumiex ħafna għaqlija. " "I ma slept għal 300 sena," il-ghost qal sfortunatament. Virginias għajnejn blu sbieħ ltqajna akbar u akbar ma 'sorpriża. "Tliet mitt sena!" qalet. "Iva," qal il-ghost. "U jien tant għajjien." Xufftejn ftit Virginia li jittallbu biex ħawwad bħall-weraq ta 'fjura, u hi daħlet lejn
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HUM. Hija ħares lejn tħossok qodma, wiċċ għajjien.
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